Abbey Road One Templates Updated!
Our popular scoring templates for Spitfire Audio’s Abbey Road One just got bigger and better! To answer our community’s many requests, we added all the new instrument patches of Spitfire Audio’s expansion packs to our templates.
Symphonic Virtual Orchestration (Review)
Today we’re having a look at Cinematic Composing’s popular online course called Symphonic Virtual Orchestration. Hosted by L.A.-based film music composer and tutor Marc Jovani, the course provides a comprehensive guide to orchestration, recording, mixing and mastering of sample-based orchestral arrangements.
10 Tips To Boost Your Creative Productivity
New Year, new me! We all have heard it, we all have said it. Now that the new year 2018 is one month old, what have you accomplished already? Are you satisfied with your productivity? Could always be better, right?. But what are the essential factors of being more productive? Are there any techniques you can apply in order to get more things done in a shorter time? Absolutely!