EastWest Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra (Review)
Discover the award-winning Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra by EastWest, a treasure trove of medieval, ancient, and historic instruments designed to bring your most spellbinding compositions to life. Perfect for composers, sound designers, and hobbyists, this suite promises to transform your musical dreams into reality, echoing the magic of fantasy and cinema.
East West Quantum Leap – Hollywood Choirs (Review)
Hollywood Choirs is the name of renowned L.A.-based virtual instruments delevoper East West/Quantum Leap’s most recent product and their long-awaited sequel to 2005’s acclaimed Symphonic Choirs. In this review, we’re going to have a close listen and look into this comprehensive 59 GB cinematic choir instrument and find out together what features can make it stand apart from its competitors.
Audio Imperia Releases JAEGER – Essential Modern Orchestra
L.A. based Trailer music sample developer Audio Imperia recently released their most comprehensive hybrid orchestral product to date: JAEGER – Essential Modern Orchestra. Focusing on creating punchy, epic music, JAEGER features a throrough collection of orchestral sections like strings, brass and percussion which are not designed to be just loud, they are designed to sound cinematic.
EastWest releases Hollywood Choirs
Award-winning sample library developer EastWest just released Hollywood Choirs, a ground-breaking new symphonic vocal virtual instrument produced by Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix.
Two Steps From Hell Releases New Album ‘Vanquish’
Today, one of the most successful and well-known trailer music production companies – Two Steps From Hell – published a brand-new album…